Never Give Up!
In Luke 18:1-8, there is a parable about a persistent widow who shows not only her persistence but the heart of God and His willingness to grant our requests. The need for persistence in prayer is a must when it comes to a continuous revival in this world we live in. Jesus taught that we should always pray and not give up. It is significant that He used a widow to underscore his point. You don’t have to be a superstar to exercise this discipline. The late Martin Lloyd-Jones captured this remarkable truth when he wrote these words in his book Revival: “Now you will find that in all these instances, the movement began with just one man. Take the man who began the prayer meetings in Fulton Street in New York City in 1857, a most ordinary man, but he felt this burden, and did something about it. The revival in Northern Ireland, started with just that one man, James McQuilken . . . I dare not pass lightly over a point like this because somebody reading this book, whom I do not know, may be the person that God is going to use.”There are numerous accounts of women assuming the role of the persistent prayer. Two sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, were instrumental as prayer warriors in the powerful awakening in the New Hebrides islands off the west coast of Scotland in 1949-1952. Peggy was 84 and blind; Christine, 82, was bent almost double with arthritis. But these two women knew how to connect with the Lord in prayer. History records their praying alongside the preaching of Duncan Campbell in Edinburgh.
It encourages me to know that God can use me to stir the revival fires here in Findlay, Ohio. He can use you as well. I have often said that our community needs to see a church rise up because of the Spirit of God moving in the hearts of the people. Would you pray with me during the week for God to pour out His Spirit on all people? Join us at church for a corporate time of prayer on Wednesday at 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. and on Sunday at 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Yes, God still hears and answers prayers.
It is exciting to see what God is doing in the lives of our people. From stirring the hearts of our international students and their families to celebrating baptism this past Sunday and hearing how God is on the move, my heart is overwhelmed in a good way. To think that God is not done here…
Sunday is International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. We will have a special time of prayer designated at the end of our service. Come anticipating a move of the Holy Spirit.
Joy in Jesus!
Pastor Mike