You may recall a series of messages I preached in January about Being Rich Toward God. The text was found in 1 Timothy 6:17-19.
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
Our church leadership said that we would give away everything that came in over our need for the next three months. In February, our tithes and offerings came in just below our need. We designated $1,000 in faith, believing that the Lord would provide through His people. The month of March came and the Lord blessed us with $11,000 over budget to give away to others. Our We Care Committee met together and researched where the money could best be used in our community. We don’t want to duplicate different ministries that God is blessing in our community. We want to be a partner in ministry not a competitor. Generosity is powerful. It tears down walls. It is central for the Gospel to spread.
The first century Christians had leverage because they were compassionate and they expected nothing in return. They gave from the heart. They were known as a generous people. We want to be known with the same generosity for which they were known.
The month of April is looking like it is going to be another miracle giving month. We are $15,000 over our need so far. God is truly blessing our church above and beyond what we have ever imagined.
The Scripture also talks about being rich in good deeds. We have adopted Northview school and have many volunteers from our church help in many different ways. People are serving at the City Mission and there are too many odds and end things to mention that our people are involved in on a daily basis. This Saturday we are going to be participating in the Findlay Backyard Mission. I believe there are 30 people scheduled to help. If you are not on that list and want to be then call the church office and we would be glad to include you. Inquire about other opportunities to serve as well.
So many wonderful things are happening at our church as a by-product of our people giving, serving, and loving. Exciting days are upon us. If you haven’t had the opportunity to lay up treasure in heaven and take hold of life that is truly life, then what are you waiting for? Plan to give and be faithful with your tithes and offerings. Plan to be faithful with your time and come and be rich toward God with us…
Joy in Jesus!
Pastor Mike