A Glimpse of Revival
When I look at the world in which we live, I can’t help but think of our need for a revival. I’m talking a time when the Holy Spirit comes down and shakes us up like what happened at Pentecost in Acts 2. I believe that one of Satan’s chief tactics is to play on people’s fears. Knowing that revival spells big trouble for him, Satan does everything he can to cause us to avoid it. “Revival? You mean where they do all that whooping and hollering? If that’s what you are talking about then don’t count me in. They’ll be picking up snakes next.” I know, I just read your mind. I have that ability you know – not!
Jesus said in John 8:44, while talking with some hard headed Jews, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” That was a great line from the Master Himself.
Some people, for whom being in control is very important, tremble at the thought of losing that control. The truth is that they’re really not that thrilled about being in a setting where there’s an overwhelming sense of the presence of the Lord. The possibility of exposure of hidden sins is perceived as a huge threat. They certainly don’t want anyone messing around in their past – including God. If God wants to deal with an issue, by all means He can do it at home when no one else is around. Again, this is listening to the father of lies who is good at what he does. Now let me pour a little Scripture on the matter.
Psalm 1 is a well-loved Hebrew poem. It is a word picture of personal revival. As you look at it you can’t help but picture a great fruit-bearing tree planted by streams of water. But a closer look reveals this tree to be a picture of living in the Lord’s presence as He watches over the way of the righteous. Nothing to be afraid of here. It’s actually quite drawing.
Now let’s move to another portion of Scripture found in Psalm 42:4.It says, “These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng.” This time we’re looking at a delightful celebration. People are praising God on their way to the house of God. Can you hear the shouts of joy on the lips of grateful worshippers? As you look closer you will see that it is another revival picture. The writer is recalling an earlier experience back in Jerusalem, and he wants the opportunity to relive it. Instead of being frightened, he is intrigued and pulled in.
There are more places like this in Scripture. It’s so freeing to be able to visit the Word of God and set the record straight about revival. Let me challenge you to search the Bible for more encounters with a revival from upon high.
This Sunday we will be looking at what Pentecost is all about. I look forward to seeing God move on this church and every relationship inside and outside of our walls as a direct result of the Spirit filling power of God.
Joy in Jesus!
Pastor Mike
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