Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

What a powerful service on Sunday. I believe the Lord is moving as a direct result of our prayers on Wednesday morning and throughout the week as we lift up our church before the Father.

Today I want to bring our attention to a rhythm that needs to be actively exercised in our life. As I was praying this morning, the Lord reminded me that the enemy wants to distract us and remove any type of positive momentum in our life. Did you know that finding a godly rhythm will enable you to flow in the grace of God like no other time in your life?

Consider a solar water heater where the sunlight heats water piped through collectors. The heated water is pumped into a storage tank and then to its final destination – your faucet. The system works well but under certain extremes there can be problems.

Too much sunlight can heat the water too hot to safely use. So the system needs to mix in some cooler water for safer temperatures. On the flip side, when the weather gets below freezing, the system needs to pump warm water from the storage tank to protect the pipes and collectors from freezing. No matter the temperature or the amount of sunlight, the right temperature has to be pumped to its final destination.

When applying this principle to life, living in a good rhythm of prayer acts like a valve that mixes in cool and warm water when needed. God can take our heat – our anger, frustration, resentment – and mix it with His mercy, compassion, and wisdom so that we and others aren’t burned by what we say or think or do. When we feel the numbing cold of distrust, grief, or pain, God can warm us with His reservoir of grace, strength, and love. In either case, we ultimately receive the grace to do whatever it takes to glorify the name of Jesus.

If you want to live in despair, there are plenty of things you can attach to that will result in hopeless living. But if you want to live in victory, then get in the rhythm of life that will allow the Lord to bless. Set aside time each day to pray and saturate in the Word of God — seeking first His kingdom. Building in times of worship and service will create margin for the Lord to work in ways we can only imagine.

Consider making Wednesday morning at 6:30 part of your rhythm as we pray for our nation, our community, our church, and our families. Desperate times call for desperate corporate prayer.

Joy in Jesus!

Pastor Mike

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